About Us
Looking to join and start volunteering? Check out our page on how to join and what the requirements are!
We are separated into 3 different entities. Those are The Bullville Fire District, The Bullville Fire Department, and the Bullville Fire Company.
The Bullville Fire District is comprised of the Board of Fire Commissioners, who are the governing body. This consists of 5 Board of Fire Commissioners, with one being the Chairmen.
The Bullville Fire Department forms when an alarm for service is dispatched and the company membership responds and performs specific duties related to that alarm.
The Bullville Fire Company is the overall membership and manpower that is utilized to respond to alarms.
We are also comprised of 2 Officer line ups:
Fire Officers
The Chief
The Assistant Chief
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
3rd Lieutenant
Captain of Fire Police
Civil Officers
The President
The Vice President
Recording Secretary
Financial Secretary
Sergeant at Arms
5 Board of Directors